Apogee Insurance Group

Expertise and Dedication to Professional and Management Liability

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8am to 5pm Monday-Friday

Friday, October 31, 2014

Insurance Doesn't Have to be Scary

Here at Apogee Insurance Group, we take insurance very seriously, but we definitely know how to have a good time too. Today we celebrated Halloween with a company wide costume contest. Continue reading to see some of our costumes and learn how Apogee can help you!

We are here to assist you in covering your professional liability risks. You could say our account managers are “Top Guns.” And for them, the sky is the limit.

 Any business has a risk of a claim, whether it is negligence or faulty equipment and much more. But with the right insurance, your business can be given a chance to grow and TRANSFORM!

Whether it is Allied Healthcare, Architects and Engineers, Environmental Liability, or almost anything else, we have you covered! Even if your company has a risk of a data breach, don’t be unprepared. Those sneaky hackers have ways of getting around anything so it pays to be protected

If a claim occurs, you will need more than a formal apology. You will need to pay for your defense and to fix the problem. A claim could occur at any time, in any place no matter what you do to prevent it. So don’t let that risk rain on your day, cover it with Apogee Insurance Group!

You’ll be a big fan of our excellent service and expertise!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Apogee Insurance: Dedicated to Continuing Education

Dedicated to Continuing Education - Header

For many, September signifies back to school season. From grade-school children to college students, many are getting back to the classrooms, hitting the books, and resuming the task of expanding their knowledge. Here at Apogee Insurance Group, there is no summer break from learning. We are dedicated to continually expanding our knowledge and expertise in the insurance industry to better serve our customers.

Every member of the Apogee team is constantly studying and working towards new designations and licenses. In the past month, we have had two Apogee team members achieve the RPLU designation, numerous P&C licenses, and a Senior Account Manager who traveled to London, England for a very exclusive educational experience.

The RPLU, or Registered Professional Liability Underwriter designation, is the only professional designation exclusively for those in the professional liability industry. To achieve this designation, candidates must complete a rigorous self-study course which includes reading 13 curriculum modules published by the Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) and passing an exam for each. In the last month, Brian Creech (Apogee's Vice President of Sales) and Chris Bradley (one of our Senior Account Managers) both achieved this difficult and time consuming designation.

In addition to the two RPLU designations, numerous members of the Apogee team have passed the Pennsylvania Property and Casualty Insurance Agent's License exam. Recently, Alicia Maa (a Customer Service Rep) and many of Apogee's college interns passed the exam and earned their P&C licenses. Like most continuing education, this exam is a commitment that takes a lot of time and dedication outside the normal 8-5 work day.

Finally, Management and Employment Practices Liability product expert, Chris Hoxie, was invited to the prestigious Andrew Beazley Broker Academy in London, England. The Academy nominates and accepts specialty brokers from around the globe to participate in a week long accelerated training program in the Lloyd's of London Marketplace. To read more about Chris' trip overseas, click here.

At Apogee, we strive to set ourselves apart from other insurance wholesalers with our product expertise, service, and focus on our customer. We pride ourselves with dedication to continuing education in the insurance industry and using this knowledge to provide you the very best in placing your professional and management liability. Send us a professional or management liability submission today to feel the Apogee difference.

Send submissions to submissions@apogeeinsgroup.com. And for more information on our products, please visit our product pages Here.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Increasing Threat of a Data Breach

            We all remember what happened to Target last year when hackers broke into their computer systems and stole valuable information from millions of customers. This information included credit and debit card information as well as names, mailing information and passwords. The company has lost hundreds of millions of dollars, with a $148 million loss in the last quarter alone. Target has, and continues, to take steps to help those affected and to eliminate the risk of this occurring in the future. Sadly, this is but one breach in an ongoing and worsening trend.
            Recently Hold Security, a security firm in Milwaukee uncovered a data breach that puts the Target hackers to shame. A group of Russian hackers have collected 1.2 billion user names and password combinations from 420,000 different websites (Perloth). This ongoing problem with security breaches stems from the widespread use of a system of usernames and passwords by companies and websites that store customer information. Most people will use the same, or a slight variation of a name and password combination of every website that they use. This makes it very easy for hackers to steal information. Once they get a name and a password, they can find your information on many different websites.  Any company with a customer database could be affected by a data breach. Even restaurants are vulnerable. Recently the restaurant chain P.F. Chang’s had consumer information stolen in 33 separate locations all across the country.
            Any business with a customer database is susceptible to a breach. Even with the best firewalls and protection software, these things can still occur. As breaches continue to get worse (the average cost of a data breach has increased 15%, from $3.1 to $3.5 million in the last year (Perloth)), businesses are searching for new ways to protect and cope with them and unfortunately, the losses they create. There are a few ways to protect yourself from a data breach, but even the best guards can fail. Sometimes, despite the best efforts, the only way to manage a data breach is to insure against it. This is why Cyber Liability Insurance is a great choice and there is no better place to start than filling out our online application at http://www.apogeeinsgroup.com/quote.html today.

 Perlroth, Nicole, and David Gelles. "Russian Gang Amasses Over a Billion Internet Passwords." The New York Times. The New York Times, 05 Aug. 2014. Web. 06 Aug. 2014.

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Coverage Many Pharmacies Don't Know they Need: Allied Health and Data Breach

300,000 pharmacists employed in the USA face immense amounts of risk everyday. While handling and giving advice regarding medications, pharmacists hold the vitality of their customers lives in their hands. Given the state of today’s litigious society and the long, difficult hours many pharmacists work, mistakes are occasionally going to happen and lawsuits are bound to occur.

It is imperative that pharmacists get the best coverage available to them.  However, coverage options and insurance language is often confusing and sometimes misleading, resulting in many pharmacies receiving less than ideal coverage. Pharmacists must educate themselves on the range of coverage they really need.

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Professional Allied Health Coverage for Pharmacies

Professional liability is vital in protecting against malpractice or negligence lawsuits. One small mistake can quickly escalate into a claim resulting in loss of professional credibility and personal assets.

Claim Example
In October of last year, a family of a young girl filed a $750,000 lawsuit against a local pharmacy alleging that the pharmacist professionals negligently labeled a prescription with incorrect directions resulting in the child consuming a dosage five times larger than what was prescribed. The prescription was called into the pharmacy in 2008. When the child was given the dose as instructed on the bottle, she suffered a serious seizure, required immediate hospitalization and faced years of resultant suffering. Although the pharmacy insists they filled the prescription as it was phoned it, fingers have been pointed. The local pharmacy now faces the possibility of more than a million dollars in defense and damages.

Data Breach Coverage for Pharmacies

The average cost for resolving a single case of medical identity theft averages $20,600. And that’s just for one person. In 2010, nearly 1.5 million Americans and a equally staggering number of pharmacies fell victim to medical identify theft. The right data breach coverage plan can not only protect pharmacies against these exposures but also help to prevent crippling data infringements.

Claim Example
A pharmacist was recently sentenced to 25 months in prison for patient identity theft when she exposed private prescription data of one patients to her husband. Additionally, the patient awarded $1.44 million in damages. The pharmacy and pharmacist faced immense financial and emotional costs as a result of a momentary lapse in judgment.

Apogee Advantage

At Apogee, with our industry expertise and service promises, we commit ourselves to taking advantage of these market conditions and bringing you the most competitive coverage for your pharmacy needs. We will work closely with you to ensure full, personalized coverage and a painless application process. With in-house coverage specialists and market access to over 50 "A" rated or better markets, Apogee is your solution for professional and data breach pharmacy entity coverage.

We can also entertain compounding pharmacies.

To learn more please visit our website:

APPLY NOW and receive a quick, personalized quote
Send all applications to submissions@apogeeinsgroup.com

Contact Information

Charlie Strum
Account Manager
(610) 337 3200
Ext. 7036

Community Association Directors and Officers Infographic

Today's spotlight in on Community Association D&O.

At Apogee, we can provide directors and officers of community associations with the coverage they need to protect their personal assets from the risk associated with their highly public positions, including access to unique features such as Lifetime Occurrence Reporting Provisions. We can also quote EPLI with D&O and crime coverage for community associations.

Contact Information
Chris Hoxie
 Ext 7027

Send all applications to submissions@apogeeinsgroup.com

See the Infographic Below to Learn More! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Understanding Fair Labor Coverage

The Fair Labor Standards Act, often referred to as FLSA or the Wage and Hours Bill, has been the backbone of ethical employment in the United States for decades. First introduced in 1938, FLSA has traveled a long road of amendments and scrutiny in becoming what it is today.  Generally, employers who produce $500,000 or more in gross sales are subject to FLSA requirements on minimum wage, hours, overtime and working with children. If you fall below this revenue line and are a hospital, school or public agency, you are likely still subject to these regulations. An issue consistently under debate, the FLSA is still changing with proposed amendment in April 2014 that would bring the federal minimum wage for employees to $10.10.

FLSA Coverage at Apogee
Submit Applications Here
Employers have been blurring the lines of FLSA for years. Even those with good intentions can fall into FLSA related issues. While large corporations are highly publicized for FLSA lawsuits, it is smaller companies that are hit harder when claims occur. As not all EPL insurance covers FLSA related claims, many small companies are unprotected and don’t even know it! In fact, the U.S. Department of Labor estimates that as many as 70 percent of employers are not in compliance with the FLSA in some material way.

Most Common FLSA Offenses for Small Businesses

  1. Not paying overtime for time worked over 40 hours in a week
    1. Four Janitors that were not paid for overtime worked won $103,736 for overtime pay and liquidated damages
  2. Misclassifying managers and assistant managers as exempt
    1. Retail Clothing Store Manager was misclassified as exempt as he spent more than half of his time engaged in non-exempt,non-managerial activities. Plaintiff awarded $38,000 in back overtime pay and $62,000 in attorney’s fees
  3. Paying Lump Sum amounts for overtime hours worked vs. paying 1.5 times the normal hourly rate
    1. Small Concrete Company paid a $12,900 settlement and $20,000 in attorney fees for paying non-exempt workers a lump sum amount for overtime rather than time and a half for hours worked over 40
Two additional common FLSA offenses for small businesses include not paying for overtime since it had not been pre-approved and allowing employees to “waive” their rights under the FLSA


More FLSA Claims Examples

Between January 2006 and September 2013 FLSA cases totaled $2.95 billion in settlement dollars.

Misunderstanding of Regulations

A mortgage company was sued by 54 of its loan officers for over $220,000 in unpaid overtime. The owner was under the impression that FLSA did not apply to highly compensated employees. Many of his staff members earned well over 150k per year with the average compensation being $105,000. There is an exception to the FLSA law for highly compensated individuals earning at $100,000 per year or more but the exception also stipulates that a minimum of $455 per week must be paid. These employees were not paid during weeks where they did not close loans.

Exempt Employee Confusion

A laser machining plant was sued for unpaid overtime after firing an employee for what the company described as tardiness and an uncooperative attitude. The administrative assistant was listed as exempt although many of her job responsibilities are considered to be traits of a non-exempt classification. Her lawyer argued that she could not have been an exempt employee since she was docked pay for every hour that she did not work that was less than 38 in a week. The lawsuit settled for $73,000 in liquidated damages for intentional misclassification.

Underage Employees

A grocery store was directed to pay over $52,000 in restitution to thirteen employees all under the age of sixteen for willful violations of the Fair Labor Standards Acts (FLSA) youth employment provisions. The market had minors working six consecutive hour shifts as well as performing such tasks as cleaning a meat slicer, loading a paper baler and operating the power driven baking machine. The FLSA’s youth employment provisions identify hazardous orders that prohibit these specific activities for workers under eighteen and limits the number of hours that minors can work on school days/weeks.

FLSA Coverage at Apogee

At Apogee we can work with you to insure that your small business is insured under federal labor regulations. Access to top markets and years of expertise allow us to provide high quality, competitive quotes when you need them.

Learn more about FLSA and EPL coverage at Apogee here
Submit completed applications here

Application Requirements

  • Application
  • Loss runs, if applicable
  • Copy of current declarations page

Contact Information

Chris Hoxie
Senior Account Manager
(610) 337-3200 Ext. 7027

Commercial Pollution Coverage: Could your Local Dry Cleaner be in Trouble?

Commercial Pollution Coverage for dry-cleaners is one of the largest untapped markets for insurance agencies across the country. A business that is universal to all communities, thousands of dry cleaners operate daily without Commercial Pollution Coverage and are thus leaving themselves exposed to huge risks. Are your local dry cleaners covered? Would they be able to afford a multi-million dollar claim from a simple environmental mistake? To understand what an environmental liability claim can mean for a dry cleaner, take a look at some examples below.

Environmental Pollution Insurance at Apogee
Environmental Liability Application
Submit Applications Here

Claims Examples

Contaminating Operations

Three local dry cleaners found themselves in quite a mess when groundwater samples in the area brought contaminated water to nearly 30,000 people. Following an investigation, operations at these dry cleaners were found to contribute to the groundwater contamination with floor drains that flowed into inadequate private sewage systems and storage tanks that leaked solvents. The launders faced immense clean up costs, which included site excavation, and claims of property damage and bodily injury. Inadequate systems brought claims total to $40 million for these three dry cleaners.

Inadequate Septic System

Following reports of foaming water in homes, apartments, schools and community centers, a county health department conducted an investigation on a local dry cleaner’s septic and sewage system. The system was ultimately found to be the source of volatile organic compound contamination in the groundwater. The laundry facility was required to install entirely new systems and dispose of all spent cleaning fluids off site. The entire community was affected with all residences advised to use bottled water. Penalties, claims and legal fees totaled a staggering $100 million for the local dry cleaner.

Release of Solvents

A decision made by a dry cleaning service prior to 1975 to discharge dry cleaning solvents and laundry wastes into a seepage lagoon came back to bite them ten years later when citizens began complaining about water quality. The dry cleaning owner ended up negotiating a settlement with the state in which he was required to construct a deeper well and face penalties. The total cost claims and cleanup totaled $4.5 million.

Capitalizing on the Dry Cleaning Market

At Apogee, we are happy to help you provide the tools and information necessary to sell coverage to your local dry cleaner and other businesses exposed to environmental liability. With specialized experience and access to the highest rated markets, we can help you to capitalize on these opportunities with expertise and fast, competitive quotes.

Additional Environmental Liability Opportunities

Looking for more ways to profit from the green movement? In addition to commercial pollution liability, Apogee can provide coverage for site pollution, tanks and commercial pollution liability to include transit coverage.

Apogee Coverage

Learn more about Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance at Apogee here 

Submit Completed Applications Here

Submission Requirements: 
Loss runs, if applicable
Resumes of key personnel
Sample customer contract
Copy of current dec page
3 years of financials

Contact Information

Chris Bradley
Senior Account Manager
(610) 337-3200 Ext. 7021

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Understanding Real Estate Errors and Omissions

A real estate purchase or sale is one of the single most important financial decisions an individual can make. Not only does this decision have significant impact on financial health, it also sets gears in motion for numerous subsequent decisions and opportunities related to quality of life. Most individuals who look to purchase real estate realize the implications of their decision on all aspects of their life. As so, most individuals look to outside sources for guidance. If a real estate purchase goes bad and you were involved in the decision making process, you may face as many, if not more, negative consequences as the purchaser themselves.
Real Estate E&O Application
Submit Applications Here
As guides to these life changing decisions, real estate agents and property managers are exposed to errors and omissions risks everyday, no matter how meticulously they conduct their business. In short, Real Estate E&O coverage protects against financial losses from lawsuits filed due to error, omission, or negligence in regard real estate agency duties. Increasing complexities of the real estate market have only intensified the need for errors and omissions coverage when it comes to marketing property.

Real Estate Claims

According to a recent article Realtor Magazine and The National Association of Realtors, the biggest legal liabilities for businesses in the real estate industry are currently highlighted as:
  1. Social Media: inaccurate information posted, failure to comply with licensing regulations and laws, libel/defamation 
  2. Short Sales & Foreclosures Laws and Regulations: forcing agents to understand and interpret complex legal documents from banks and client communication 
  3. Their Own Words: Discrimination and perceived bias or misstatement/misrepresentation

Recent Claim: Sexual Escapades and Real Estate?

A New Jersey real estate agent was brought to court in December of 2013 after being accused of purposely deterring buyers from visiting a house on the market so he could use it for his own “sexual escapades.” The agent in question allegedly kept the home above market value to ensure buyers would stay away. Hidden cameras placed inside the house caught him engaging in sexual activities on ten different occasions inside the New Jersey home. The homeowners are currently seeking compensatory damages for breach of contract, trespassing, invasion of privacy, infliction of emotion distress and other civil counts.

Since the late 2000’s implosion of the US housing market, professional liability lawsuits brought against real estate brokers and agents have skyrocketed. It has never been more important to review the coverage that your real estate risks have in place with Apogee today!

Real Estate E&O and Apogee

At Apogee we can offer coverage for residential real estate sales, property management, commercial real estate sales and real estate appraisers. We offer extremely competitive rates for the value we can bring to clients with access to over 50 "A" rated or better markets, expertise and quick turnaround times.

To better understand the value Apogee can bring to real estate professionals, take a look at some recently bound coverage and available markets here.

Put Apogee to work for you on your next real estate submission. We look forward to working with you!

Ready to Fill out an Application?

Please submit all completed applications, in addition to application loss runs and current declaration pages to submissions@apogeeinsgroup.com 

Contact Info

Michael Cavanaugh
Assistant VP
Ext. 7029

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Small Business: The backbone of your company, made easy

In the United States, small business employs over half of the country's workforce. While many people think that the industrial giants drive our economy, its small business that's really top dog. Small business in America is the stabilizer of our economy. Entrepreneurs are the backbone of creativity and production. Small business is what stimulates economic growth. With over 60% of all private sectors, non-farm jobs coming from small business, it is a proven fact that small businesses are critical to the United States economy. Thus, it is critical that our small businesses are fully protected.

Apply for Small Business Coverage Here
Send Applications Here

Small Business at Apogee

Insurance coverage is just as essential, if not more so, for small businesses as it is for large corporations. At Apogee we have a team prepared to provide you with what these companies need. Our Small Business Team realizes the pressure these companies are under to obtain coverage and dedicate themselves to making the quoting process quick and easy. We have access to online tools to provide you with multiple quotes within 24 hours from the highest rated insurance markets. Our online rating systems require minimal information from the insured and help us get quotes out fast while still offering personalized coverage. Our expertise of the industry and dedication to small business needs is unmatched. We can quote all types of risk; including Errors &Omissions, Directors & Officers, Non Profit Directors & Officers, Cyber Liability, and Employment Practices Liability. Follow these links to be directed to our website and applications. Send all completed applications to submissions@apogeeinsgroup.com and receive multiple quote options within 24 hours. 
While these are not the only risks we can write, our Small Business Team often works closely with:

Real Estate – Commercial/Residential
Property Managers
Event Planners
Interior Designers
Travel Agents
Non Profits
Construction Managers

If you have any questions please visit our Small Business Team at http://www.apogeeinsgroup.com/small-business-unit.html or contact:

Steven Finkelstein
Steve Finkelstein 
Ext. 7043

Medical Spas: Lasers, Botox and Plenty of Risk

 Medical spas have been proliferating across the country. These day spa-medical clinic hybrids locations seek to treat conditions that cannot be effectively treated by traditional estheticians. Under the supervision of a medical doctor, patients can receive a range of treatments including laser hair removal, Botox, aggressive chemical peels, acupuncture and skin grafts. While these services can offer improved quality of life and stress reduction for many patients, they also create huge risk exposures for the health professionals who conduct and oversee them. No matter how careful a medical spa is at keeping its patients informed and realistic about their procedures, unsatisfactory or painful results, which are bound to occur, can drive any patient to court.

Apply for Medical Spa Coverage Here
Send Completed Applications Here

Services that may affect the health and safety of customers are, by nature, incredibly risky. Depending on menu of services, location and personnel, every medical spa has unique wide-range risk exposures. Even the most experienced and careful allied health professionals can come under fire from an unhappy patient.

A Bad Day at the (Medical) Spa: Claim Examples

  1. A patient is claiming negligence and advertising injury after suffering from gangrene following a mesotherapy treatment performed by an unsupervised nurse. The patient cited the spa’s website that described the service as a "nonsurgical technique for spot weight reduction with minimal side effects and minimal bruising." Suffering from painful side effects of this non-FDA approved treatment, this patient is up in arms seeking significant compensation.
  2. A patient brought Pure Med Spa, now bankrupt, to court for scarring on her neck caused by laser treatment to remove age sports. She was awarded $100,000 for her pain and suffering.
  3. A Chicago-based medical spa was sued by an Attorney General for “using high-pressure sales tactics based on deceptive marketing claims to induce consumers into purchasing a series of medical and beauty treatments” that resulted in unwanted side effects and less than satisfactory results. The plaintiff was ordered to pay civil penalties upwards of $100,000.

Allied Health and Apogee

Demand of coverage and increased trendiness of these services have made medical spas an incredibly competitive area for insurance providers. At Apogee, with our industry expertise and service promises, we commit ourselves to taking advantage of these market conditions and bringing you the most competitive coverage for your medical spa needs. We will work closely with you to ensure full, personalized coverage and a painless application process. With in-house coverage specialists and market access to over 50 "A" rated or better markets, Apogee is your solution for your medical spa and allied healthcare entity needs.

Beyond medical spas, our allied health coverage can provide protection services for:

Are your medical spa risks properly covered? Apply today and send your submissions to submissions@apogeeinsgroup.com

Application:   Medical Spa Coverage

To learn more about allied health coverage at Apogee please click here or contact Charlie Sturm

Charles Sturm
Charlie Strum
Account Manager
(610) 337 3200
Ext. 7036

Friday, April 4, 2014

Celebrate Architecture Week with A&E Coverage

Did you know that April 6-12th is National Architecture Week? It is celebrated every year over the birthday week of our nation’s first president architect, Thomas Jefferson. We're ready to celebrate at Apogee!

The goal of National Architecture Week (NAW) is to create awareness and bring attention to the important role that architects play in positive change for our communities. Through the week, award-winning architects will share personal stories and inspirations on Facebook and Twitter and designers and fans alike will upload images of their favorite local architectural sites on Instagram for the “Architecture is Awesome” contest. You can follow in real-time on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #archweek14. For several America Institute of Architects chapters, the festivities will be brought offline with receptions, lectures, film screenings, award ceremonies and open houses. 

To celebrate Architecture Week 2014 and show our gratitude we are offering a free form comparison on your next A&E submission to us!

Apply for A&E Coverage Here
Send Applications Here

Our A&E coverage can provide clients with the tools to defend and indemnify against claims alleging negligence of errors and omissions in job performance. This includes, and it not limited to, bodily injury, property damage, slander, libel, punitive damages, pollution, and defense costs.

Recent A&E Claims:

Lebanon PA: The borough of Lebanon sued the A&E Firm and everyone associated with project renovations at Borough Hall. The claim stated that the contractors did not follow directions and produced a final product with design flaws. The requested value of this claim is $2.5 M

General Motors: GM was recently sued for negligence in the design/testing of ignitions in their vehicles. This claim stated that GM did not follow national highway safety rules and that its ignition design caused motor-vehicle accidents, injuries and deaths. This Class Action Suit is likely to see payouts excess of $5M

A&E Coverage at Apogee

Apogee is dedicated and focused on earning the role of your "go to" outlet for your architect and engineer submissions. As you may know, we have a dedicated team within Apogee committed to the architect and engineering industry as well as the A&E insurance marketplace. We strive to use our expertise as a way to be a resource for you- whether it be to grow your book with A&E business or to market your existing book to ensure you have the right coverage in place.

Our Architects and Engineers products will protect insureds from similar situations and are available with admitted and non-admitted markets with ratings of A and higher throughout all 50 U.S. states.

Celebrate Architecture Week with Apogee and take advantage of expertise and market access by sending us an A&E submission today!

Learn More

Apply Here

Send Applications Here

Contact Information

Chris Bradley
Sr. Account Manager
(610) 337-3200
Ext. 7021

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spotlight on Data Breach

In 2013 alone, Americans reported 47,000 data breach incidents totaling a staggering 44 million compromised records. As technology explodes, so does our exposure to technology related claims. Information is everywhere we look and more accessible than ever. Exposures never used to exist are now at the forefront of many companies’ liabilities.

Apply for Technology E&O Here
Send Applications Here

The business functions that are most at risk include E-commerce, credit card processing, website design, consulting, data storage and technical support. This list doesn’t stop there. Everyday, hundreds of businesses are exposed to cyber liability. A security breach could result in losses of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, not to mention an incalculable loss of reputation. What many businesses don’t realize is that even the most costly risk exposures are often the result of simple mistakes and oversights or out of your control completely. Cyber Liability policies can give you the protection you need. Additionally, many of these policies will also help you to prevent these careless mistakes through risk management services and, in certain cases, a “Breach Coach” to help contain costs in the event of a loss.

How is Data Breach Defined?

One of the most complicated aspects of Data Breach liability is that is defined differently everywhere you go. All but four states have enacted data security and breach notification laws with individual definitions of personal information, notices required and appropriate coverage. When it comes to Cyber Liability, every customer’s needs are unique and may fall under a number of different coverage options.

Data Breach in the News

In 2013, US experienced the highest total cost of data breach worldwide with payouts averaging $5.4 million per breach. Small and medium company data breaches in particular have skyrocketed. Take a look at some high profile data breach stories that have been making recent headlines.

University of Maryland

The University of Maryland College Park reported two data breaches within two weeks for the month of March following an unrelated massive breach of 288,000 individual’s personal information on February 18th, 2014. Twice within a short period of time, someone was able to hack into the school’s computer network and obtain personal information. February’s breach was even worse, compromising social security numbers and birth dates of all those who received university IDs since 1998. Since, the school has taken action to remove a number of university websites and beef up their security. The FBI and U.S. Secret Service became involved to address the issue. In a letter to University of Maryland Administrators, Ann Wylie, chair of the President’s Task Force on Cybersecurity, announced plans for the University IT staff to invest massive financial and personnel resources to better protect the University’s information.
Maryland Source 1
Maryland Source 2

University of Delaware

In July of 2013, hackers launched a cyber attach on a University of Delaware computer system, exposing as many as 72,000 personal records. The hackers were able to exploit a flaw in the schools software and steal names and addresses in addition to Social Security and university identification numbers. The University of Delaware is currently looking at $13 million to $19 million in costs as a result of this breach.
Delaware Source 1

First American Bank

In February of this year, customers at First American Bank were advised not to use debit cards, or any other cards, in local taxis following 500 reported fraudulent chargers totaling $62,000. The bank alleges the breach occurred after customers used cards Chicago taxis. National Cyber Security Task Force members believe the breach itself occurred while credit card information was transitioning through outsourced processing systems. Currently this incident is under investigation and all parties involved face serious financial losses.
First American Source

Friday, March 28, 2014

What you Need to Know about Technology E&O

One of the biggest fundamental errors a firm can make is assuming that their programming, systems installation, hardware maintenance or technology consulting is covered by their General Liability policy. When data, especially that containing personal information, becomes involved, firms become exposed to a plethora of new risk exposures. Allegations of copyright infringement, transmission of a virus, or unauthorized access to a client’s system due to technology error, regardless of fault, can result in losses in excess of $100,000. According to Hiscox Ltd., a leading provider of specialized professional liability coverage, 80% of their tech related claims are filled under breach of contract and intellectual property.  A general Professional Errors and Omissions policy offers negligence coverage only. Without Technology or Professional E&O, companies remain exposed to contract and intellectual property lawsuits but also to fraud, negligence and misrepresentation claims.

Apply for Technology E&O Here
Send Completed Applications Here

Technology Negligence Claim

Plenty of companies can attest to the necessity of Technology Errors and Omissions coverage. One of these organizations in particular provided hardware, software hosting, planning, networking and online data backup through automated software monitoring services. One particular customer, a local plumbing company, was running their business through an old and corrupted server that left the automated software monitoring service they purchases useless.  After six months of the technology company providing a service that, unbeknownst to them, was not working, the server at the plumbing company finally failed. Without the automated system, the plumbing data was unrecoverable. As a result of this inattention by both companies involved, the technology company was brought to court by their plumbing customers for expenses incurred as a result of the failed server. This one incident cost the technology company over $100,000.

Data Breach Claims

Technology companies are not the only ones at risk. According to SC Magazine's data breach archive,  Just in the past month, there have been there have been multiple hospitals that have reported their patient databases as compromised. The San Francisco Department of Public Health has recently released a warmed that more than 50,000 patients’ personal information may be in jeopardy after multiple computers containing client information were stolen. Incidents like this happen all too often.

Why Shop at Apogee?

Our product expertise and dedication to customer satisfaction will ensure that you receive a competitive, personally tailored quote and our close relationships with insurance providers allows us to offer coverage from top markets such as USLI, Beazley, Chubb, Hiscox and many more. For Technology E&O, we accept applications for companies with revenues bellow five million with basic risks and companies with revenues over 5 million with more complex risk coverage. To learn more or talk to an account manager about what we can do for you please visit our website or contact us at 610.337.3200


Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Truth About Employment Practices Liability

Did you know 3 out of 5 employers are sued by former employees? From 2001 to 2011, the occurrence of EPL discrimination cases nationwide rose 123%. Private companies are more likely to have an Employment Practices claim rather than a General Liability or property claim.  For reference, a company with $1 million in sales and 50 employees can get an EPLI policy for about $7,000 a year.

One of the most common mistakes small companies make is not making this investment and protecting themselves with Employment Practices Liability Insurance. Over 40% of all employment claims are brought against firms with less than 100 employees. Many Federal and State employment laws apply to employers of all sizes. The median award for EPL claims is over $325,000, this is one risk employers cannot afford to not protect themselves against. 

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Despite what many people assume; Employee Practices Liability is NOT covered in other insurance policies such as General Liability. At Apogee Insurance Group, we offer a wide range of EPLI markets and brokers with years of EPL expertise. To understand exactly what kind of protection we can offer, take a look at five of the most common types of EPL claims and examples.


Just this month, a Houston manufacturer violated federal law by enforcing a retirement policy they thought to be reasonable. The policy, which required employees to retire at the age of 70, was put under legal scrutiny when an employee was let go on his 70th birthday. This policy violated the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and employees rights to compete fairly in the workplace regardless of age. Discrimination applies to any protected group of individuals including, and not limited to, disability, race, religion, sex, national origin, pregnancy and even “genetic information.” Gender and age discrimination claims are particularly on the rise.

Wrongful Termination

An employee was recently awarded $3.5 million by a federal jury after he was wrongfully terminated for reporting illegal conduct. When the employee suspected a fellow project manager of fraud; he decided to write a letter to the company's CEO. When the project manager in question heard about the letter, he threatened to lay the employee off. The following week, the whistle-blower was let go and told he was terminated to save money. The corporation had the right idea by encouraging employees to step forward when they suspected dishonest practices. However, one poor decision by a dishonest employee resulted in a crippling lawsuit.

Sexual Harassment

In February of this year, JPMorgan shelled out $1.5 million for a sexual harassment lawsuit. The money was divided among 16 female employees who worked at the bank’s call centers and endured sexually charged behavior and comments from supervisory staff. Sexual harassment education is important in maintaining a safe work environment, but sometimes all it takes is one ill advised comment to bring your company to court.

Wage and Hour Violations

In one of the most high profile EPL cases in the country, the Federal Court settled a $35 million lawsuit against Walmart in July of 2009 on behalf of workers who alleged they were deprived of meal and rest breaks and forced to work off the clock at Walmart stores. This particular case not only was a huge financial loss but also permanently damaged Walmart’s reputation.

Emotional Distress

In 2007, a woman who worked in a bank had an encounter with a bank robber. The robber was armed with a weapon created an extremely traumatic situation for the employee. In the months following the incident, the employee suffered from PTSD including symptoms of anxiety, irritability, sleeplessness and panic attacks. Supervisors at the bank made the situation worse for her by bringing up the incident on a consistent basis and teasing her for her PTSD symptoms. She was eventually compensated for months of emotional distress.

EPL claims can happen to anyone. Don’t let employers go unprotected, fill out an EPLI application today. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Directors and Officers Liability Coverage: No Longer a Non Profit Luxury

Less than half of America’s 2.3 million nonprofit organizations have the proper liability insurance coverage. With such tight budget restraints and socially desirable goals, many nonprofit board members dismiss director and officers coverage as an unnecessary investment; who would really sue the directors of a nonprofit?

How do we define a nonprofit?
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 In actuality, 63% of nonprofits have reported a D&O claim in the past ten years. Non profit organizations are now more likely than ever to be sued by its employees, members, volunteers and donors. Even if a director or officer has done nothing wrong, it only takes one lawsuit to shut down a nonprofit organization for good.

Beyond this, directors and officers are in serious risk of losing personal assets such as retirement savings, investments and even homes. These board members can be held personally liable for any decisions that are made within an organization. Directors and officers are expected to act with care, loyalty and obedience. It is their duty to act for the benefit of the organization, avoid any conflicts of interest and exercise the utmost skill and care in decision making. Any perceived breach of these duties and members of non profit boards are in serious risk of being sued. Take a look at some of the more common claimants and real life examples played out. 


Real Life D&O Claims: Most Common Claimants

1. Donor Claim

D&O Duties Clarified
The Board of Directors of church was sued by a number of their donors, alleging misrepresentation of the financial status of the organization. Three members brought separate suits for repayment of the money lent to the church. The first case settled for $240,000 of which $117,000 accounted for expense. The second case settled for $75,000 and incurred $86,000 in defense costs. The last case paid nothing to the claimant, but incurred $13,000 in defense costs. The total loss including defense costs exceeded $530,000. 
An organization filed a suit against a foundation and its Board of Directors for improperly infringing upon the claimants intellectual property rights. The claimant filed suit seeking injunctive and monetary relief for the Foundation’s alleged improper use of trademarked property while promoting their fundraiser. The claim settled and the total loss including defense was over $400,000.

3. Employee Claim

After 10 years of employment, an employee was fired for poor work performance. This employee brought a discrimination suit against their employer under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The individual alleged lack of work place accommodation and constructive discharge. The claim was closed for a total loss of over $80,000, including more than $20,000 in defense costs. 85% of all nonprofit D&O claims are employee related.

4. Governmental Agency Claim

 The United States Department of Justice brought suit, alleging misappropriation of funds and failure to revert unused money back to the government. The insured received federal grant money and allegedly used leftover grant money to renovate office space instead of return it to the government. The case closed for a total loss of over $60,000, including $21,000 for defense costs.

5. Volunteer Claim

A volunteer claimed the denial of a full time position was due to her sex, race and pregnant condition. She filed a lawsuit claiming discrimination. The claim is pending further litigation and defense costs paid to date total over $10,000 with an outstanding loss reserve of $65,000.

6. Member Claim

A law enforcement fraternity began proceedings to have a member removed from the organization. This member then sued the organization in order to have the proceedings halted. While there was no monetary settlement, the defense costs were $15,000.

7. Beneficiaries Claim

A discrimination suit was filed against the Board of Directors when the claimant requested a transfer within the housing complex and was denied. The claimant alleged discrimination based on national origin, religion and sex. The claimant was a resident at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. The court dismissed the case due to a lack of evidence. More then $10,000 was paid in defense costs.


D&O insurance is essential in protecting board members beyond what general liability coverage can offer. With the average cost of a Directors and Officers premium under $1,000 with a zero retention and the average D&O claim being well over $100,000, there is no reason not to invest in this essential liability coverage.

Apogee is here to provide specialized coverage for nonprofits around the country. With access to large markets and a team of D&O specialists, Apogee can help insureds acquire the necessary coverage with competitive rates. 




See more reasons all nonprofits should have D&O coverage

Learn more about D&O coverage at Apogee

Nonprofit FAQs

What Defines a Nonprofit?

Who Sues Nonprofits?

Nonprofit D&O Duties and Responsibilities